februarie 2015

* Marar 
   Vinuri albe : Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, Pinot Grigio/Gris, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier

* Salvie - adaugand salvie la o farfurie de mancare, face mancarea mai "prietenoasa" cu vinul rosu.
  Vinuri albe care se asorteaza su salvia : Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc.
  Vinuri rosii care se asorteaza cu salvia : Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah/Shiraz.
  Recomandare experti : vinuri rosii.

~~~~~Articol neterminat ~~~~~~

NOTA: Vinurile cu numele ingrosate sunt recomandate de experti ca find cel mai indicate pentru acel tip de planta.

                    Cicatrizante pentru rani

Sunt folosite plante ale caror substante active stimuleaza circulatia periferica si reface tesuturile.Contin uleiuri volatile,taninuri cum ar fi alantoina,hipericina,clorofila,etc.

   Uz extern   

Arnica (florile) - Flores Arnicae
- Spalaturi locale si badijonari cu 10-20 g. tinctura la care se adauga 100 ml apa. (tinctura se prepara prin macerare timp de 10 zile a 20g. flori la 100 ml alcool)

Galbenele (florile) - Flores Calendulae
- Bai locale sau cataplasme cu infuzie din 1-2 linguri la cana
- Spalatura cu 10g tinctura la care se adauga 100ml apa. (tinctura se prepara prin macerarea timp de 8 zile a 20g flori in 100ml alcool)

Lavanda/Levantica (florile) - Flores Lavandulae
- Bai locale cu o infuzie din 1 lingura la cana.
- Bai in apa carora se adauga 3-4g dintr-un amestec in parti egale de Aetheroleum Lavandulae (ulei de levantica) si alcool.

Coada Soricelului (florile) - Flores Millefolii
- Bai locale sau comprese cu infuzie din 1-3 linguri la cana. Efectul cicatrizant creste prin adaugare de Radix Symphyti (Radacini de Tataneasa)

Ciubotica cucului (flori si radacini) - Flores et Radix Primulae
- Cataplasme calde cu infuzie (din flori) cu 2 lingurite la cana sau decoct (din radacini) cu 1 lingurita la cana.

Nuc (frunzele) - Folium Juglandis
- Unguent din 15g frunze maruntite macerate 7 zile in 100 ml ulei care apoi se tin 3 ore la foc incet pe baia de apa; se strecoara si se adauga 15g ceara de albine si se mai tine inca jumatate de ora pe baia de apa, apoi se face omogenizarea.

Roinita (frunze) - Folium Melissae
- Bai locale cu infuzie din 2 linguri la cana.

Plamanarica (frunze) - Folium Pulmonariae
- Bai locale sau comprese din 2 linguri la cana.

Urzica (frunze) - Folium Urticae
- Bai locale cu infuzie din 3-4 linguri la cana.

Rostopasca - Herba Chelidonii
- Unguent din 30g planta maruntita pana la stadiul de pulbere, 15g lanolina, 15g vaselina si 5 picaturi de acid fenic. Se unge rana si se lasa pansamentul 2-3 zile, dupa care se schimba la aceleasi intervale pana la vindecare.

Sunatoare - Herba Hyperici
- Cataplasme sau bai locale cu infuzie din 2 linguri la cana.
- Pansamente cu ulei din 20g planta macerata 12 ore in 20ml alcool, dupa care se adauga 200 ml ulei si se fierbe pe baie de apa timp de 3 ore, agitandu-se. Se strecoara prin panza prin presare.

Isop - Herba Hyssopi
- Bai locale sau comprese cu infuzie din 1 lingura la cana.

Talpa gastii - Herba Leonuri
- Cataplasme cu decoct concentrat din 2-3 linguri la cana.

Unguras - Herba Marrubii
- Bai locale cu infuzie din 1-1 1/2 linguri la cana.

Troscot - Herba Polygoni
- Bai locale cu infuzie din 3-4 linguri la cana.

Rachitan - Herba Salicariae
- Bai locale sau comprese cu 2-3 linguri la cana.

Sapunarita (radacini) - Radix Saponariae(rubrae) si Ipcarige ori Ciulin rosu si alb (Gypsophyllae(Saponariae albae))-
- Spalaturi locale cu decoct din 1 lingura la cana.

Tataneasa (radacini) - Radix Symphyti
- Bai locale sau cataplasme cu decoct concentrat din 4-5 linguri la cana.

Salcie (coaja) - Cortex Salicis
- Bai locale cu decoct din 2-3 linguri la cana.

Plop (muguri) - Gemmae Populi
- Bai locale cu infuzie din 1 lingura la cana.
- Unguent din 20g muguri zdrobiti macerati timp de 24 ore in 5 ml alcool intr-un vas inchis; se adauga apoi 100g untura si 5g ceara, se pune pe baia de apa la 100 grade Celsius, timp de 3 ore, apoi se strecoara si se freaca pana se omogenizeaza.
- Uleiul se prepara in acelasi mod, utilizandu-se ulei in loc de untura si de ceara de albine.

It was a long climb up the face of the building, and one fraught with much danger, but there was no other way, and so I essayed the task. The fact that Barsoomian architecture is extremely ornate made the feat much simpler than I had anticipated, since I found ornamental ledges and projections which fairly formed a perfect ladder for me all the way to the eaves of the building. Here I met my first real obstacle. The eaves projected nearly twenty feet from the wall to which I clung, and though I encircled the great building I could find no opening through them.
The top floor was alight, and filled with soldiers engaged in the pastimes of their kind; I could not, therefore, reach the roof through the building.
There was one slight, desperate chance, and that I decided I must take—it was for Dejah Thoris, and no man has lived who would not risk a thousand deaths for such as she.
Clinging to the wall with my feet and one hand, I unloosened one of the long leather straps of my trappings at the end of which dangled a great hook by which air sailors are hung to the sides and bottoms of their craft for various purposes of repair, and by means of which landing parties are lowered to the ground from the battleships.

It was a long climb up the face of the building, and one fraught with much danger, but there was no other way, and so I essayed the task. The fact that Barsoomian architecture is extremely ornate made the feat much simpler than I had anticipated, since I found ornamental ledges and projections which fairly formed a perfect ladder for me all the way to the eaves of the building. Here I met my first real obstacle. The eaves projected nearly twenty feet from the wall to which I clung, and though I encircled the great building I could find no opening through them.
The top floor was alight, and filled with soldiers engaged in the pastimes of their kind; I could not, therefore, reach the roof through the building.
There was one slight, desperate chance, and that I decided I must take—it was for Dejah Thoris, and no man has lived who would not risk a thousand deaths for such as she.
Clinging to the wall with my feet and one hand, I unloosened one of the long leather straps of my trappings at the end of which dangled a great hook by which air sailors are hung to the sides and bottoms of their craft for various purposes of repair, and by means of which landing parties are lowered to the ground from the battleships.

It was a long climb up the face of the building, and one fraught with much danger, but there was no other way, and so I essayed the task. The fact that Barsoomian architecture is extremely ornate made the feat much simpler than I had anticipated, since I found ornamental ledges and projections which fairly formed a perfect ladder for me all the way to the eaves of the building. Here I met my first real obstacle. The eaves projected nearly twenty feet from the wall to which I clung, and though I encircled the great building I could find no opening through them.
The top floor was alight, and filled with soldiers engaged in the pastimes of their kind; I could not, therefore, reach the roof through the building.
There was one slight, desperate chance, and that I decided I must take—it was for Dejah Thoris, and no man has lived who would not risk a thousand deaths for such as she.
Clinging to the wall with my feet and one hand, I unloosened one of the long leather straps of my trappings at the end of which dangled a great hook by which air sailors are hung to the sides and bottoms of their craft for various purposes of repair, and by means of which landing parties are lowered to the ground from the battleships.


Plantele aromatice şi de condimentare au o istorie străveche începând de la căutarea lor şi până la faptul că unii ajuns bogati de pe urma lol, bineînţeles nu uşor. Condimentele erau atât de valoroase în Egiptul antic, în Grecia, în Roma, că ajunseseră chiar monedă de schimb. Unele din condimente şi din plante aromatice erau vândute şi ca ierburi magice sau de tratament. Unele metode naturiste încă se mai folosesc şi astăzi după mii de ani.
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